Arduino Nano Eagle Library

This is based on Warren Brayshaw’s post here, which seems to have the A0-A7 lines reversed (compared with the Nano V3 . Maybe it once was correct for an earlier version of the Nano – I don’t know). The library below has been updated to be consistent with V3. The ICSP headers are not included, just the headers on the long sides of the nano board.Arduino_Nano_library


Download: CRE-Lib1.lbr

One thought on “Arduino Nano Eagle Library”

  1. Darn this would have saved me a TON of trouble on a project I am working for…once I figured out what was wrong…I corrected it but had to use jumpers and some header pins…but it works…I updated the component directly in eagle but a pre-made one would have saved me a bunch of hassle!


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